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Showcasing the amazing talent of our clientele! 💛💙❤️

We are displaying...
  • Yellow Castle Brick (YCB) Minifigs in LEGO® MOCs:
    If you made a minifigure using our custom YCB torsos, take a photo of your fig in your LEGO® MOC!
  • LEGO® My Own Creations (MOCs):
    We want to see what you're building with LEGO® & give you a place to show it off! (Please make sure it's family appropriate.)
    Jump to Theme: Space | Black & White | Western | Microscale | Superheroes

Click Here to submit a photo of your MOC (My Own Creation) for display!

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Our monthly LEGO®MOC (My Own Creation) building contests are an opportunity to show off your skills & imagination!

Winners will receive a free Build-A-Minifig at YCB & a photo of all entries will be displayed here on our website, even after the contest ends! (Please make sure they're family appropriate.)

Each month we will announce the contest theme on our website, Facebook, & Instagram — be sure to follow us so you don't miss an opportunity to show off your creations in a fun way!

Our February LEGO® MOC Contest Theme is: STAR WARS!

Click Here to submit a photo of your MOC by Saturday 2/22!

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